
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Olympic Sport Day!!

It  was a great way to end the week last week as our whole school came together and participated in different sports!!

We were all mixed up into different groups that had five year olds to 13 year olds students in it  to represent different countries!  There were more than 11 teams and one of those countries were Portugal! Portugal was the team that I lead and was officially the best (well to me)!

We started off from as soon as the first bell rang for school to start until the bell went for school to finish , so we obviously played through put the whole day! First thing we did when the bell rang for school to start was we headed over to the netball courts and all met up there. Standing in the front of everybody and looking at everyone sitting down was pretty freaky because I was used to the fact of sitting down and looking at my leader! We talked about some things then had a prayer to the Lord to help keep everyone safe and no one getting hurt!

After the prayer we then headed over to our first activity! Our first activity was pretty awesome. It was like netball mixed with water polo! it was awesome, I could see that everyone in my team was enjoying themselves. At the end, we ended up winning the game and got 5 points for good sportsmanship. There were 7 different activities left and already half of my team were already tired!

Moving on to the next event was even better! We got to learn how to play new games that we have never played before and even learnt some skills! As we were going to different groups time by time, the day got a lot hotter and we were having much fun!

At the end of the day I was really happy because I had lots of fun learning new games and challenging other teams! I think that my team did a great job because they always strived to succeed nd never gave up! I would love to have another sports like this because it is really fun and I hope the teachers will do this more often!
Thanks to Rasil for checking my work! :)


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