
Friday, September 28, 2012

Stomach Churning

Facing my fears was one of the hardest things for me, but I took the risk and hopped into the cart where I met a girl named athena. I said hello to her and asked her if it was her  first time on the ride, and she said “Yes”. It felt good to know that someone else is trying to face their fears!

We waited patiently in the cart until the ride started, we buckled our seatbelts on, making sure that it was tight so we do not fall out. After about 5 minutes, The man taking the roller coaster ride announced on the speaker to make sure we hold on tight and to enjoy the ride!

Finally the ride started, it started off slowly and as we kept on going further it went faster and faster. I then thought to myself “ WOW this ain't so bad after all!  The faster we went the more I enjoyed it! but as I looked to my right where Athena was sitting, I could see that she was not having fun at all! We were then about to come up to where we were at the highest point of the roller coaste, ready to scream our buts off as we come down! I Couldn’t wait till we got there!

Finally we got to the highest point of the roller coaster! the part that made me scared to come on this ride in the first place! As we got there I took a deep breth and wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww down we went!!  I was really enjoying myself when all you could hear was screaming coming from the side of my ear! I turned around and to my amazement it was athena looking like she was going cry! I then just blocked my ears, sat back and enjoyed my ride! Not soon after I looked away from athena, I turned back to look at her and there she was spewing up on the side of the cart, I was really disgusted! Our ride went up and down, all around and so did Athena's spew.
I then gave her a plastic bag to spew on instead of spewing on the side of the cart.

At the end of the day one person went home very angry because, well unfortunately the spew landed on her. Jay lee was the name of the angry girl who went home!
So the moral of this story is to don't go on the ride in the first place if you know you cant handle it.

Thanks to Jaylee Nouata for checking my work!!


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